Rules & Guidance


  1. The show will be conducted in accordance with the rules and standards contained in the Royal Horticultural Show Handbook 1999 and the NAFAS Handbook 1988, except where under this schedule they obviously do not apply. Copies of these handbooks are available on the RHS website.
  2. Entries are open to members of the Association and residents in Berwick parish, including the area bounded by Wick Street, Common Lane, Lower Berwick and the river. The area can be seen marked on the Ordinance Survey map held by the Secretary. Any resident who moves away from the village, provided their subscription is maintained every year, can retain their membership as well as their spouse & kids.
  3. Only one exhibitor or member of the household may exhibit from any one garden in the same class.
  4. No exhibitor may show more than one entry in any class except Classes 1 and 13. If more than one entry is exhibited in these classes they must not be similar.
  5. The age of the exhibitor in the children’s classes (in years and months on the show date) must be stated on each entry form and will be taken into account by the judges.
  6. Completed entry forms must be given to a member of the Committee BEFORE 6pm on Tuesday, 27th August 2019. Late entries will not be accepted.
  7. All exhibits are to be staged between 7:30am and 10:15am on the show day. Stewards will be available to assist exhibitors if requested and reserve the right to alter the position of any exhibit if storage or space necessitates this. The marquee will be closed at 10:30am after which no exhibitor will be admitted.
  8. Exhibits must be removed between 4:00 – 4:30pm when all remaining exhibits will be auctioned.
  9. Entry fees: Members – nil; non-members – All classes £1.00
  10. Any prize money may be withheld if the exhibits are considered unworthy of the prize.
  11. On all points the Judges’ decision is final.
  12. The Committee will take all ordinary care of the exhibits during the show, but will not be liable for loss or damage.


  1. In judging Class 1 for the Blake Masson Cup the maximum points awarded to each item included in the exhibit are shown against items 2-11.
  2. Cups (except Blake Mason, Clark, Kenneth White Cup, Sybil Bareham Award, Janet Booth Cup and Cottington Prize) are awarded to those gaining most points as follows: 1st prize, 4 points; 2nd prize, 3 points, 3rd prize, 2 points, 4th prize/Highly commended, 1 point.
  3. Containers are available for the use of exhibitors of classes 2 – 18.


(kids classes)

The below are examples only, and should not be considered strict guidance for any of the classes.

69. ACEO/ATC – A unique piece of art measuring 2.5″ x 3.5″ (the size of a standard playing card)

70. five chocolate brownies

71. book in a jar

72. matchbox art

Children 10 and under  (on show day)

73. art using natural materials

74. self-portrait (A4 or smaller)

75. origami

76. painted rock or pebble

Children 5 and under  (on show day)

77. lego creation – use 20 pieces or fewer

78. fingerprint flowers

79. decorate a digestive biscuit

80. paint a tin