Gardener’s Diary – May

Hopefully we have planted all our potatoes by now. Just keep an eye on the weather and if a frost is forecast, try to cover up any leaves that are showing.
Sweet corn can be sown in pots to plant out, as soon as they are strong enough. Also get your runner beans, French beans, peas, courgettes, marrow, and squash into pots or modules ready for planting out when it’s warmer at night. Tomato plants should be growing well by now in the greenhouse.
Vegetables to sow straight into the ground are beetroot, carrots, turnips, radish, spinach, swede, and all types of cabbages. Don’t forget to sow short rows, so you can add more later to spread the harvesting.
Pest become active this month so keep a close eye on young plants for Aphids on leaves and wash them off with water. Put coolers around your brassica plants to protect them from cabbage root fly.
Watering newly sowed seeds and seedlings is very important. To test if you need to water put your finger in the soil – if dry give the ground a good soaking. Don’t water established plants to often just a good soaking once a week will be fine.

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