Gardener’s Diary – June

This month is the last chance to sow main crop carrots, to be ready for harvesting in  September or October. Also peas sown early in the month should still be ready in September.
Sow Swedes if they’ve not already been done and French Beans can go in for a second crop. Continue to sow Beetroot, Spring Onions, Turnips, Lettuces, and Radishes with some at the beginning of the month and some near the end.
This is also the last chance to sow Runner Beans and with a bit of luck will give you a crop as late as October.
Watering is very important in dry weather. Keep the roots of all plant moist but not soaking wet. Hopefully this month we will be harvesting some of the early sowings e.g. Potatoes, radishes, Turnips, Carrots, Peas and a few more.

Keith Winter

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