Gardener’s Diary – April

Now the clocks have changed and hopefully the weather’s  getting warmer, we can start sowing some seeds. Carrots, Beetroot, Peas. Leeks, Turnips, Radish, plus Leeks can go in, but only if the soil is workable.
First early potatoes should be planted by now and second early’s ‘chitting’, ready for the middle of the month. Main crop can be planted at the end of the month.
Get your Onion sets in, when the soil is dry and if not already in, plant your shallots. If you have Broad Beans in pots, plant them out when they start to flower, pinching out the tops to help stop blackfly.
If you have an area which is too wet to work with, cover it with black sheets and it will keep the weeds from growing, until it drys out.
A little tip for lawns with lots of moss is to get some sulphate of iron and spread over the lawn. This will kill the moss and strengthen the grasses.

Keith Winter

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