Gardener’s Diary – March

Spring is nearly upon us and the soil should be warming up, so get ready for sowing and planting. If your soil is workable rake over to produce a nice seed bed ready for your Parsnips and if not already in put your broad beans in as well. A good tip with parsnips is to sow 3 seeds every 4 inches and in between them put a few radish seeds. The parsnips take a long time to germinate and the radishes will come through quicker and mark the row.
By the end of the month plant early potatoes, if the soil is workable. Plant the tubers 12 inches apart in rows 2 ft apart, about 5-6 inches deep.
Garlic can be planted now.
Do not rush to plant anything if the soil is too wet, it will always catch up if it’s a few weeks late going in.
Happy Gardening Everybody!

Keith Winter

Show Date Saturday 2nd September 2017

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