Gardener’s Diary-February

Spring is getting closer, so we need to start thinking about what to do in the vegetable garden during February.  Keep your egg boxes for chitting the Potatoes, which can now be placed in a cool dark place so they can start sprouting,
Broad Beans can be put into pots and then in the greenhouse, cold frame, or the window sill in doors. When they are strong enough, plant them in the garden. Sow Onion, Leek and Tomato seeds in trays and again put them in the greenhouse or similar to germinate.
As the weather has been very kind to the garden this winter hopefully everyone has spread their compost and dug it in. Rhubarb crowns should be covered to encourage early pickings.
A tip for early sowing, if you have an area prepared, is to cover it with black plastic to keep it drier and warmer in preparation for spring planting.

Keith Winter

Show Date Saturday 2nd September 2017

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