Gardener’s Diary- January


If you’re thinking of growing vegetables this year for your dinner table and of course the local village show, here are things you can do in the garden this January, weather permitting.

Start by digging over the area you want to use, so the frosts and rain can break it down ready for spring planting. If you have a compost bin or heap, spread that over part of the area where Potatoes, Onions, Beans, and Brassicas will be, before digging.

Plan what seeds you need, and write a list down so you know when the best time is to sow them and harvest. Keep them in an airtight container so they stay fresh. Potatoes need to be ordered early so they can be put in trays about 6 weeks before planting for chitting.

They do say Shallots should be planted on the shortest day of the year and harvested on the longest day of the year, so give it a go if the weather is ok.

If it’s not to wet try putting Broad Beans in now for an early crop or put them in pots to plant out later.

-Keith Winter

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