Hopefully we have planted all our potatoes by now. Just keep an eye on the weather and if a frost is forecast, try to cover up any leaves that are showing. Sweet corn can be sown in pots to plant out, as soon as they are strong enough. Also get […]

Gardener’s Diary – May

Hopefully this month will start getting drier so we can get on with sowing seeds and plants. 2nd early potatoes can be planted now either in the garden or in potato grow bags. Many crops can be sown into the soil now including parsnips, cabbages, radishes, beetroot, broad beans, carrots, […]

Gardener’s Diary – April

This month is when things start to happen in the vegetable garden! At the end of the month potatoes can be planted out into rows for an early feast on new ones. Broad bean seeds can be put in pots or trays to bring on in the green house or […]

Gardener’s Diary – March

July Gardener’s Diary The vegetable plot should be really starting to stir in July. Now is the time to be nurturing the results of all your hard work from the last few months. Watering, weeding, staking and supporting should be on the agenda. Climbing beans will be growing skyward along […]

Gardener’s diary – July

This month is the last chance to sow main crop carrots, to be ready for harvesting in  September or October. Also peas sown early in the month should still be ready in September. Sow Swedes if they’ve not already been done and French Beans can go in for a second crop. […]

Gardener’s Diary – June

Hopefully we have planted all our Potatoes by now. Just keep an eye on the weather and if a frost is forecast, try to cover up any leaves that are showing. Sweetcorn can be sown in pots to plant out, as soon as they are strong enough. Also get your […]

Gardener’s Diary – May

Now the clocks have changed and hopefully the weather’s  getting warmer, we can start sowing some seeds. Carrots, Beetroot, Peas. Leeks, Turnips, Radish, plus Leeks can go in, but only if the soil is workable. First early potatoes should be planted by now and second early’s ‘chitting’, ready for the […]

Gardener’s Diary – April

Spring is nearly upon us and the soil should be warming up, so get ready for sowing and planting. If your soil is workable rake over to produce a nice seed bed ready for your Parsnips and if not already in put your broad beans in as well. A good […]

Gardener’s Diary – March

Spring is getting closer, so we need to start thinking about what to do in the vegetable garden during February.  Keep your egg boxes for chitting the Potatoes, which can now be placed in a cool dark place so they can start sprouting, Broad Beans can be put into pots […]

Gardener’s Diary-February

Did you know that in Brighton we have the UK’s biggest and longest-running community seed swap event?!? Get down to Seedy Sunday (5th February 2017) and show us your results at the Produce Show! More info here: http://www.seedysunday.org/

Get your seeds! (5th Feb)

  If you’re thinking of growing vegetables this year for your dinner table and of course the local village show, here are things you can do in the garden this January, weather permitting. Start by digging over the area you want to use, so the frosts and rain can break it down ready for spring planting. […]

Gardener’s Diary- January